Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Story Hour

Normally when I get ready for bed it actually means I'm getting ready to lay in bed and read for an hour. Bandito takes this as time to lay on my chest as I normally sleep on my side and he isn't liking trying to sleep around my constant moving.

It's annoying.

All you have to do is look at him when I ask if he wants to try to sleep on the bed. He jumps off in a huff. And then returns around 3am and then 6am just to ask me if I'm awake.

I wasn't until you woke me up cat; thanks for asking.

I have so much Bandit pictures though that I need to start putting them up.

So these are from The Story Hour, we were reading Fool by Christopher Moore. I highly recommend it, as does Mr. Bandito, literary critic.

It made him laugh.

It made him wide-eyed with the suspense and shock of some passages.

And sometimes, sometimes he was rapt with attention, reading along with me.

But mostly he liked laying on me, his warm personal pillow/heater. Tonight, we're reading The Daily Coyote by Sherve Stockton. It's fantastic. Mr. Bandito likes that there is a cat in it too.

Ceasing Ramble.


Adrienne said...

He is quite the reader! I am glad to hear he has gotten into a bedtime routine with you. He looks very happy, and of course intrigued by the very interesting book the two of you are sharing :)

Sam said...

You have "The Daily Coyote"? I'm so jealous right now.