Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Grooming Matters

I've been hating my hair this week and decided to call and get it all chopped off.

This was the first time in a long while I haven't gone in with a picture as a backup. You might ask why I always do this... mostly because I seem to lose the complete ability to vocalize what I want when it comes to clothing, hair, or basically style.

I'm inept.

I actually have made a promise with my friend Annie that I will go shopping with her and she will pick things out for me.

The only requirement is that I be drunk.

Because I hate shopping.


But I decided I would post pictures here before Nikki and I embark on what I'm calling Our Economic Stimulus Plan.

Basically our road trip to the east coast to see Madonna. We'll be meeting up with Carolyn there and I will again be avoiding my family during Thanksgiving.

But now for you moment of zen (or looking at pictures of my hair cut and how not like me these pictures look: my face did a weird angle thing. Silly face.

Pay special attention to my nose... it could cut you!

My words behind the cut: short, layered, can be styled in five minutes in the morning. I almost fell asleep while she was cutting my hair. This probably means I'm tired and also that there is nothing better than someone else doing your daily grooming for you.

Maybe I'll buy a monkey.

Ceasing Ramble.

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