Sunday, March 29, 2009


Today marks the day of an adoption.

My friend Adrienne woefully spoke of her cat Bandit at "New Year's in St. Louis" (which happened in March) and how he was not getting along with his new dog siblings inherited from her marriage.

After talking about Bandit and realizing he meets all of the specifications my landlord said a cat would need to live in my wood-paneled abode I let Adrienne know I would be happy to adopt Bandit.

I mean, he has his own theme song.

Beth, being the biggest pal ever, shuttled Bandit to me today...

I let him be to wander around my apartment and get to know it. He mewed, he hissed, he stared out windows.

And then...

He decided to take a nap on my treadmill. This was made of awesome.

And get ready for Bandit Watch to see when/if he decides he likes me.

Ceasing Ramble.

Update! Bandit has now found that the papasan chair is actually more comfortable than the treadmill.

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