Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Boo on you Tax Man!

I did my taxes yesterday.

I'm getting a refund.

And it makes me somewhat angry.

In a perfect world no one would get a tax refund, because the government would have taken out the EXACT amount it needs to.

Instead the federal government took an extra 20 per paycheck and the state an extra 5. Now, you're probably saying Brenda you would have frittered away that extra 25 bucks a month.

I might have if I didn't run on a budget. All my return is going directly to my student loan. So I'm thanking the government for holding my money and putting it towards who knows what and then giving it back to them.

I was told that I should be stimulating the economy with this money.

Or if President (HEE!) Obama pushes through a stimulus package with checks that I should use that money to stimulate the economy.

I think I'm stimulating it enough. I'm putting money into my Roth IRA, so I'm putting money into stocks, I'm putting money into my savings, so I'm stimulating banks, and then I spend roughly 80-100 dollars a week on food/gas/clothing and the like from area businesses.

Consider yourself stimulated economy.

Economy, if you could help me lose about 15 more pounds I'd stimulate you some more with a LCD TV purchase.

But I think that my student loan plan is good enough.

Also, I really feel like watching Stranger Than Fiction after doing the taxes or perhaps just having someone whisper in my ear that the charitable donations that I give are more than what I'm currently withholding.

Sexy talk.

Ceasing Ramble.


Bryce said...

You could adjust your withholdings so it comes out more exact. Of course, deductions for charity donations and such will screw that up.

Bren said...

Apparently the deductions I had for charity weren't more than my... normal deduction. It was a downer, but ::shrug::