Friday, January 30, 2009

Sweat Filled Amusements

Sadly, this is not about sexcapdes.

As I was warming up for my circuit workout tonight I was marching, yes marching, in place bringing my legs up high and watching myself in the mirror as I lip-synced to my music and then... Love is a Battlefield came on and I couldn't stop giggling at myself.

I think it's because I was envisioning the dance that is in the video by the lovely Pat Benatar.

What? You haven't seen it in a while?

If you've wondered what was full of awesome. It's this video.

Picture yourself working out... to this beat... and not laughing at yourself when you are picturing the shoulder shimmy shake dance.

If you can not laugh.

You are made of stronger material than I am.

I'm made of glitter gold spandex covered in black chiffon, if you were wondering.

Ceasing Ramble.

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